Published: July 22, 2021

A few of our residents and our Lifestyle Director Christopher had a great time in Coney Island and eating at the original Nathan’s Famous on National Hot Dog Day! / The Residences at Plainview
As our resident Al says, “It’s always a holiday in Brooklyn.” He made a song about it. You can watch and read Al’s story here.
It really was a holiday, though. National Hot Dog Day! Okay, maybe not an observed holiday but we had a great time taking a trip to Coney Island and visiting the original Nathan’s Famous at the corner of Surf and Stillwell Avenues. Nothing beats getting hot dogs for a nickel. You read that right – 5 cents! Thank you, National Hot Dog Day.
We spent the morning walking along the boardwalk and taking in the nice ocean breeze while taking a stroll on the beach. We also enjoyed some of the attractions at the amusement park.
It brought back some great memories for a handful of the residents who grew up in New York City. Check out some of the photos below that chronicled our trip.